Saturday, January 2, 2010

happy new years!

Ahh... It's that time of the year again. The time for us to make new year's resolutions for ourselves in order to improve as individuals. This year, I'm going to be doing things a little bit differently. I am going to make one new year's resolution and one new year's resolution only. Last year I had about thirty and I'm pretty sure you can all guess how many I stuck with. Yup, zero (or maybe one or two now that I think about it). I had made a long list of new year's resolutions and categorized and sub-categorized them into all different groups. I had long term resolutions, short term resolutions, resolutions I was going to perform daily, goals I wanted to achieve one time and etc. If I can remember correctly I had split my resolutions into five separate sections: health, academics, financial, hygiene and fitness. I was really being an over achiever. I remember I wanted myself do things like stretch daily, read books in Chinese, and save 50 dollars a week. I don't remember doing any of these things even once. Well, I also had more realistic resolutions like read more, cook for myself more and drink less, but these resolutions didn't last long either. While I was in my high achieving spirit, I even got a year's subscription to TIME magazine. I probably read a few articles for the first month or so and then after that I just read the captions to the pictures. Now, I just look at the cover and throw it on my high stack of unread TIME magazines. I am surprised on how they come out with so much new information every week.

Anyways, this year, my only new year's resolution is going to be to eat healthier and run more. Yes, I realize that is actually two resolutions but I made up the eat healthier one just now since it goes with my ultimate goal, which is to lower my BMI. So, hopefully by only having one resolution this year, I will actually stick to it. Actually, I change my mind. I WILL be sticking to this one resolution of mine and with you as my witness, world, I will be hella ripped in three months time. And on top of that, I will still weigh roughly the same and be able to lift as much as I can lift now. So, come March I am going to come back and read this post and either be pretty proud of myself or very disappointed. My guess is that it will be somewhere in the middle.


