Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I got owned by a Korean

If you know me, you probably also know I enjoy a good laugh at the expense of some Koreans. Since I haven't had the time to come up with any more self-made, kinda not so funny Korean jokes, I decided to post a great opportunity that came upon me today. I had the opportunity to ask a real life Korean whether or not she believed in Fan Death. This was a once in a life time chance to test if this Korean Fan Death hypothesis was even true! It was all made possible because a random Korean accidentally IM'ed me on AIM thinking I was her friend. She didn't seem like the brightest girl ever because it took me a while to explain to her I wasn't her friend but I eventually got her to believe me by failing her in the ultimate "What is my name?" test...

me: what is my name
her: chris

her: chris chang

me: yeah haha

me: my name is albert

me: hence

me: the al
her: oh

her: i thought it was just a design

her: cause its in the back too
me: yea the la makes it symmetrical
her: sorry
me: maybe he lied to you
her: why would he do that?

...I had no answer for her.

After being stumped by this Korean, I eventually decided that the prime opportunity to see if this Fan Death stereotype really lived up to its name had come.

me: u were born in korea huh
her: yeah
me: true or false
her: true
me: wait

me: wait for the question
her: oh
me: someone can get sick or die from falling asleep with the fan on in their bed room
her: um

her: i dont know

her: i sleep with it on.. but not on my face

her: so i think its ok?

her: right?

Drats. She is right. Although, she didn't seem too sure of herself I must say, this Fan Death thing isn't really playing out too well. Good thing I can always make a reference to Wikipedia to back me up. (Scroll down to previous post for link) Anyways, so far, all the evidence I have collected personally hasn't really been pointing me in the direction I was hoping for. (This is not the first time I have asked this to someone)

Eventually, I had to let her know that it wasn't safe to talk to strangers on the internet and yet, she managed to prove me wrong again.

me: how old are you btw
her: 24
me: did u know talkign to strangers online is dangerous
her: no

her: why
me: what

me: are you serious

me: are you a fob
her: why would it be dangerous? what could you do to me?
me: i dunno

me: pretend iw as your friend

me: and get information

me: or something
her: oh

her: thats true

her: but

her: i dont know

her: youre right, but i know now

her: so youre harmless

Man... she got me again. I am powerless.

Well friends, I guess so far I still haven't found any solid evidence proving that the Fan Death myth actually exists AND I got owned three times by a Korean. So as a precaution, the next time you plan on stereotyping your Korean friends about believing a fan could kill someone in their sleep, you'd better hold off on it until further notice.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


So, continuing the theme from my last post of telling jokes I made up myself, here is another one.

Q: What is a Korean's worst nightmare?

A: Falling asleep with the fan on.

If you don't think this is funny, it is probably because you didn't know that Koreans believe people can die from sleeping with the fan on over night.

Knock Knock

Who's there?


Fan who?

Fan death.


click that link.

Now that you are well informed about Fan Death, I can continue my blog.

Actually, I didn't really plan on talking about anything besides fan death... So I guess I'm pretty much done here.

Hmm... So I probably just sat here for about three minutes and really couldn't think of any useless information to talk about except for the fact that Jerry Seinfeld is actually pretty funny. I just watched some of his stand up and it was haaaaaaarlious. I never really thought the show was that great, but I am now a fan of Jerry. I really feel like a real adult now because I sleep before 11PM every night. Its funny because sometimes I get off work as early as 3 PM and that is about the same time I used to get out of bed. I can totally imagine why our neighbors were so pissed at us last year now. I think if I lived next door to myself last year, I would call the cops on me too. Anyways, I am living a pretty boring life now but I like it. I'm going to stay up past 11 tonight because I have the day off tomorrow!!!!