Sunday, March 7, 2010


So, continuing the theme from my last post of telling jokes I made up myself, here is another one.

Q: What is a Korean's worst nightmare?

A: Falling asleep with the fan on.

If you don't think this is funny, it is probably because you didn't know that Koreans believe people can die from sleeping with the fan on over night.

Knock Knock

Who's there?


Fan who?

Fan death.

click that link.

Now that you are well informed about Fan Death, I can continue my blog.

Actually, I didn't really plan on talking about anything besides fan death... So I guess I'm pretty much done here.

Hmm... So I probably just sat here for about three minutes and really couldn't think of any useless information to talk about except for the fact that Jerry Seinfeld is actually pretty funny. I just watched some of his stand up and it was haaaaaaarlious. I never really thought the show was that great, but I am now a fan of Jerry. I really feel like a real adult now because I sleep before 11PM every night. Its funny because sometimes I get off work as early as 3 PM and that is about the same time I used to get out of bed. I can totally imagine why our neighbors were so pissed at us last year now. I think if I lived next door to myself last year, I would call the cops on me too. Anyways, I am living a pretty boring life now but I like it. I'm going to stay up past 11 tonight because I have the day off tomorrow!!!!

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