Monday, August 10, 2009


So I realized an easy way to increase my productivity yesterday. It came to me while I was lying in bed unable to fall asleep since I slept at 6 am the night before (doing nothing). Oops, I didn't mean to confuse you when I said I found a way to increase my productivity; it is more like I found a way to decrease the amount of time I waste. So in the past I have tried numerous ways to stop myself from wasting time, such as not going online every other day or not going online before 10pm or other ideas which involved not going online that didn't work. Between facebook, youtube, surfthechannel, wikipedia, google, aim and porn, I can easily waste many hours on my laptop accomplishing nothing that is really in the best interest of my long term future.

Almost all of the time I spend in my room, I spend lying flat on my bed, face up with my laptop resting on my chin while typing with my 4 fingers and balancing the laptop with my thumbs.
I know it sounds a little complicated but I have already concluded, after much testing, that it is the most comfortable way to watch youtube videos. So anyways the bright idea I came up with was this: don't use your laptop when you're on your bed. YES, I am a genius. It's actually worked pretty well for the 1 day I've used it. Pretty much whenever I am bored I tend to naturally grab my laptop without thinking, open it and log into facebook or aim or whatever. And usually when I am really bored on my computer, I instant message people on aim or facebook chat who I rarely talk to and try to force a conversation. Usually it is entertaining for about five minutes until we run out of things to talk about and then I remember why I rarely talk to that person. By the way if I have randomly messaged you recently, this does not mean I do not like talking to you. But by being forced out of bed in order to use my laptop, it cuts down internet usage a good percentage, maybe up to 50% even!

So on another note, I almost finally got a job tutoring an SAT1 math class. I just had my second interview today where I had to pretend to teach a 30 year old Chinese lady how to do algebra problems while she graded me on my teaching skills. I was kind of nervous but I think it went relatively well. I don't want to get too excited just in case I don't get hired. I tend to have the problem where I count my chickens before they hatch. I was planning to have made over a thousand dollars in the month of July from that Korean summer camp job but look how that turned out. I was telling my dad I was going to be paying my own rent from now on and everything too. Ha, I haven't even received my check for those three short days I worked yet. I ended up losing money at that job. Damn, kids! Anyways, hopefully I will get this job and will be less financially reliant on good ol' dad. I am also very happy that this place is a Chinese place and not a Korean place. There's no question people are nicer to their own kind. I remember when the new boss man called me for an interview, I was having a hard time discriminating whether his accent was Korean or Chinese. His last name was also Chu, not exactly a predominately Chinese or Korean name. And when I was sitting in the lobby waiting for him to show up for the interview, I couldn't tell if the kids around me were Chinese or Korean either. I frantically looked around and THANK GOD! I saw a paper with some Chinese on it. Not that I don't like being called Aur-burt all day, but I am particularly good at sucking up to Chinese parents. Actually I am very good; it might even be one of my top 5 skills. (Yes, I don't have many great skills). Anyways I am still looking for more hours to work if people are willing to hire me though, maybe something that is more related to my major. If anyone knows anyone... you know who to tell.


1 comment:

  1. hahah aur-burt.
    i hope you get hired! so i can feel less guilty next time you buy me food.
