Saturday, August 29, 2009

mail man

I hurt my wrist the other day. I can't tell if I injured it from lifting or typing but it hurts when I do either. I think I will just tell people I hurt it from lifting because that sounds a lot less gay. So this morning I was just sitting on the couch in my boxers watching T.V. when I heard the doorbell ring and someone knock on the door. I was pretty sure it was the post office guy dropping something off at the door. Yes, I was correct. So I opened the door in my boxers and bent down and picked up the package. Before I could close my front door, the post office guy yells from the sidewalk "HEY! Do you have a band-aid?" He had cut his knuckle while stuffing mail in our mailbox. I said yeah and went around the house looking for it. I haven't been home for a while so I forget where my mom keeps all the stuff but eventually I found the band-aids and also found some neosporin. When I went to give it to him, I noticed his other hand was full of mail and he didn't seem to be putting anything down so instinctively I just applied the neosporin on for him. The neosporin was some special neosporin or something because it also had "pain relief" and the cream was all white instead of clear and was hard to apply. I couldn't get the cream to break off from the opening of the tube so I had to use my other hand to apply it on his wound. First of all, it was already pretty awkward that I was even talking to him on my front doorstep half naked and now I was applying cream on his hand. I failed miserably at getting the neosporin on the cut so I decided to just apply it to the bandaid and then stick it on. So I unwrapped the band-aid and carefully put some neosporin on the white cotton part. I then carefully put the band aid on his extended hand while only touching the sticky parts with my fingers. I put so much neosporin on earlier that the bandaid wasn't even sticking it was just like gliding around on his hand. I asked him if he wanted another band-aid but I'm pretty sure he felt really awkward too and was just like "that's a lot that's a lot thank you thank you thank you" and left. I guess it isn't everyday you have a random naked guy put a band-aid on for you.

So this will be the last post in my blog that I will be posting up on facebook. I plan on deactivating my facebook when I return to Irvine just so I will stop wasting time and potential employers can't spy on me. So if you have a blog, add me as a friend or however that works. I'm still a bit confused on how people do all that stuff with their blogs but yeah. I am a blog noob. Anyways I am going to stop typing now since I hurt my wrist from lifting the other day.

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