Sunday, July 25, 2010


Well, new update. You guys will be surprised but I actually ran a mile a day for the last 6 days. Yup. My goal is to hit 35 days because that is when Eunice comes back from Italy. Hopefully by the time she gets back, I will be less of a fatass. The bad news is that my elbow is still pretty fucked up and I can't even do a push-up. I wonder how much longer I should wait to see the doctor again. Every time I go to the doctor he makes me feel like a pussy because he just tells me nothing is wrong with me. I remember two years ago I had a huge internal bleeding in my leg and my whole foot/calf was purple and brown, and I thought it could have been serious. It wasn't. ha ha...ha.

In other news, I discovered a much more time efficient way to eat instant oatmeal. Basically just hold a cup of water, tear open the packet, pour some of the dry oatmeal in your mouth, chew, and if it gets too dry then drink the water. It works pretty well and it actually tastes pretty good. It saves probably like 1 minute from microwaving and most importantly you don't have to do any dishes. Also, you can eat oatmeal on the go. Go ahead and give it a try the next time you feel like eating oatmeal but are pressed for time. You can thank me later.

Anyways wish me luck on the next 30 or so days!

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