Tuesday, July 13, 2010

still fatboy

So, I just ate some pretty burnt chicken. It was alright. Anyways, I just wanted to let you all know how right I was about my goal in my previous post coming true. So today is about six days later and I have not yet even attempted to run a mile once, however, I did get a seven dollar haircut which made my body look slimmer. Also, I went to the doctor to check out how my elbow was doing. He said I shouldn't lift for four weeks. FOUR WEEKS! That is so incredibly long. I was thinking about just going to the gym and working out only 3/4ths of my body for the next four weeks. I wonder how that will turn out. The thing about lifting (at least for me) is that it is very sad when you can't lift what you lifted in past. Not making improvements is always a bummer but un-improving is just depressing. It's kinda like going to Vegas and winning a shit load of money and then losing it all and more before you go home. Anyways, I have a feeling these next four weeks is gonna suck.

So, anyways shout out to AY and everyone else for coming out to my birthday and Eunice for planning it. I had a splendid time. SPLENDID!!!!! I feel kind of old now since there is nothing really left to look forward to besides turning 25 so I can rent a car. But at the same time, I still feel really young since it is now the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I'm pretty excited to get out there and become rich and more awesome. I'll let you know how it goes.

Here is where I would post a joke I made up, but I don't have one.

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